Words In the Cloud


Hi there!

Pedro O. Thompson (aka, KARIMO), You Can Call Him POT.

Pedro is a Prolific Certified Translator. He translates from English to Spanish and English to English. He is an Image/Book Copy Editor/a Writer & a Blogger, coupled with a good background in business settings, publishing, and a keen interest in public affairs.

As a sworn U.S. Citizen, it is important not to fear to speak his mind, of course, within reason. Still, it is a privilege to be an American, and he does not take that honor lightly despite many rivers yet to cross as a black man living in the U.S.

Pedro’s Mission

His mission for this Website is to render professional services to the public and all interested stakeholders. Pedro intends through this Website/Blog to share his life experience with you.
He writes on interesting subjects/topics that are current, inspiring, and sometimes very controversial. Still, they reflect our day-to-day living. The writeups, varied and consistent, pave the way to discovering our God-given talents as we interact with one another for a better world. 

A Summer Visit to Senasqua Park, Croton-On-Hudson, NY
A Summer Visit to Senasqua Park, Croton-On-Hudson, NY
Photo Credit: Pexels-photos

The Path, &The Way Ahead

Before Pedro decided to settle down with the right niche for this Website and Blog, it was expedient for him to follow the passion and the urge of his heartbeat. Good enough, through frantic research and sought-after guidance, he traced the path he badly wanted to follow in addressing some of the problems on his Blog.

Toni Lluch-Unplash-Photos
Toni Lluch-Unplash-Photos

To this end, Pedro conducted a profound study that would lead to highlighting some of the solutions to the array of problems that people encounter globally in their day-to-day living. Moreover, Pedro picked a keen interest in the problems that bedevil his African roots and Continent.

If you have a topic that you would like discussed, please contact us.


A Summer Visit to Senasqua Park, Croton-On-Hudson, NY
A Summer Visit to Senasqua Park, Croton-On-Hudson, NY
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