Words In the Cloud

Greetings, I’m Back! I Hope Everything Is Well with You.

Glad to be back, but do I have enough readers to call you “my readers?” Or should I only refer to you as my devoted and loyal followers? So, hello there, my faithful followers. What’s new with you today? I really hope everything is going well.

Photo Credit: Pixabay Photos.

When I say I’m back, I’m back! And I don’t worry about formalities this time. I’m only going to write what comes to this, my big head. Do you realize that I don’t even know how big my head is? But please accept my heartfelt apologies for not precisely estimating the size of my head. Notwithstanding, I can only see my head in the mirror, for the time being, so let’s put that aside till I get a proper head measurement.

You know what? I don’t really want to talk about Medium today. Having complained to them before, I expected they would cease sending me obnoxious account statements. But guess what? That’s not the case. They kept sending me this stuff anyway. In the end, I’m better off like this, earning nothing and hoping that someday, after writing 10,000 articles (if I’m still alive! ), someone somewhere will think of me. I am confident, however, that you, my loyal followers, will always stand by me. My return is thanks to you, and I will continue to speak my mind and be as spontaneous as always. And look forward that everything will go on smoothly.

The Problem with These Media Giants

We writers have every right to express ourselves as we see fit, without fawning over media giants’ whims and caprices? Google is not exempt from this either. In this publishing kingdom, Google controls over 80% of keyword rankings. It could use its power to silence its critics. However, can it really do so against me, targeting me without indexing, ranking, etc.? Hopefully not. In any case, let me just say quickly and cowardly, “Don’t worry about me. I was just passing by, and I decided to vent my anger on all of you giants of this industry, for you jointly cause our woes.

Google, your requirements are way too many: Number of Active Voice sentences instead of Passive Voice, Readability Analysis, SEO, Focus Key phrases, Related Keywords/Phrases, Description, Title, Tags, Slugs, and many other irritating requirements. It can’t be more than this. It can’t be more than that! At times, one leaves these pages sweating profusely and gasping for breath!

When I entered this industry, I thought I would just be writing and posting only. But, to my utmost surprise, it has become another academy of no return, and there’s no end in insight. The smart internet guys are not left out in this cake-sharing industry. It’s a field day for some of these self-made online coaches who want to show you how to write 1200 words in 60 seconds!

Photo Credit: Pexels Photos.
Photo Credit: Pexels Photos.

When Our Profession Forces Us to Become "A Jack of All Trades."

While trying to beat the challenges before you, these guys keep touting their “special services.” And sometimes, you can’t resist. So, you just say, “Okay, let’s give it a shot.” After all, our profession encompasses and demands a wide range of ancillary services about which you should have some knowledge. But, unfortunately, even if you have the money to pay for these services, it’s not enough. Therefore, sometimes you become “a jack of all trades.” Well, it’s up to you whether you become a master of all or none at all.

As you know, we live in a world where nothing comes for free. There is little hope that you will be able to recoup at least half of your investment in being updated as your expenses continue to rise. There is no guarantee you will see some light at the end of the tunnel, so you will continue to spend until God knows when.

Photo Credit: Pexels Photos.
Photo Credit: Pexels Photos.

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen

https://amzn.to/31sNna0How challenging is this? When making choices, we should follow trends but keep our eyes open. As someone correctly pointed out, cookbook authors are the best-selling authors. Yes, because one teaches you how to cook, while the other teaches you how not to eat. Can you see the conflict? That’s how the world works!

The same goes with some so-called writing coaches who say you should start your introduction from your conclusion! We of the old school would ask, “What?”? From the bottom to the top? Because I was taught to begin my writing with a solid introduction (from top to bottom), I don’t think you’re speaking to me. You can then smoothly weave the ideas into the paragraphs without much dribbling, and everything will be fine and good to go!

Unfortunately, today’s world is the opposite, for there are too many “cooks” in the kitchen!

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