How Does Society Change with the Pass of Time! Does Life Change Generations? Or Generations Have to Change Because of Some Undefined Tendencies?
I agree with all of the above. For the past few decades, not only life has changed but the change has been drastic generation after generation. Unless counting from experience, it is difficult to state categorically what may be the cause or causes.
The Far and Wide Change
Should I claim to be one of the lucky ones? Not even close! Unlucky ones, maybe. Yes, otherwise who would have survived those harsh periods of corporal punishment in schools and still clap for joy? I found it challenging to belong to that generation of the 50s, especially in countries with non-western cultures and traditions. In any case, western society is not completely immune from this generational change, since the wind of that change has reached far and wide across the globe.
Whistleblowers or Senior with Big Hearts?
Therefore, other kids and I disliked the noble elders’ mission. Our viewpoints as children were contrary to the good and altruistic work these wonderful people were engaged in. We sometimes refer to them as “invisible whistleblowers”; perhaps this is an erroneous label derived from our nonconformity and disapproval of their services. It is in part because we felt we were punished more harshly than expected.